Case Study
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Dubai Insurance Company implements Beyontec Suite to embed performance management into operations
DIC was in need to keep pace with new technological advancements that could help it compete with global insurers and the new insuretech companies. DIC realised that simply digitising existing processes is not enough. It needed to create economic value by updating its business and operating models to take full advantage of new opportunities such as connected businesses, the power of analytics and automation. DIC implemented Beyontec Suite to manage its core business operations and to embed performance management into operations, become more efficient, and enhance overall customer experience.

Invita Claims Management Company transforms its operations to digital using Beyontec Suite
The rising costs associated with traditional claims processing, compliance and regulatory changes, and the data errors associated with claims settlement forced Invita to relook at the claims management process while implementing a centralised, affordable core administrative system. Beyontec Suite was chosen by Invita after a careful and thorough evaluation. Beyontec Suite was able to offer cost-effective claims management by focusing on Invita’s requirements and business challenges, cutting down the process time for a motor claim request from days to a matter of hours.

Zamara adopts Beyontec Suite to automate and streamline business workflows
Zamara was running its business as standalone silos which created collection issues and difficulty in tracking ageing payments, leading to revenue loss or poor revenue forecasting. This impacted overall business efficiency, customer retention and the renewals business. By adopting Beyontec Suite Zamara was able to efficiently integrate process and technology, and respond to our customers better while introducing new products faster.